So yesterday, I was reading in magazine that when a child is under the age of 2, it's IMPERATIVE to NOT let them watch any type of television... not even DVD's!! They state that this will hinder the child and the child's learning capacity.
Let's rewind...
I've been Homeschooling Choca since birth... Reading to her daily, doing flash cards of ABC's, 123's, shapes, colors, etc... I've also made it a point to let her WATCH (ON TV... WHO KNEW?!?!) Educational Shows (Sign Language, ABC/123, Math, English, Science, etc)... ALSO, we have several field trips a week in which we visit libraries, aquariums, parks, schools, grocery stores, etc...
Now, Choca is 2 years old (2.8 years for those who do that...). She's FLUENT in American Sign Language, reads, writes (knows how to write SEVERAL of her letters), spells words and knows what they are, knows all of her shapes and numbers AND knows math...Not to mention she speaks in COMPLETE sentences (using big words here and there in the right context...surprising even ME!) She can also help me cook certain meals because of her understanding of fractions (still working on those!!!)
We went to the doctor on Monday... The doctor looks at her and says, "Hello... MY name is Dr. ______! What's your name? Choca gives her name, and shakes the Docs hand. The doctor smiles. She then says, "How old are you, sweetie? Choca says, "I'm 2 years old. How old are you, Doctor??" The doctor gives her age. She then looks at me and says, "Soooo... Is she really 2?? Oooor...." I state that she's two. She then says, "WOW!! And she talks so clearly?!?!? That's amazing. She speaks and carries herself as if she is four or five!"
As you can see, JUST because someone states that one way is the ONLY way doesn't mean that it's true. Choca learned all that she does because of the help of television, and a family that is close-knit and willing to keep at it with her in order to keep her on track.
Oh... And she's a little fashionista!! LOL :)
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