Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homeschooling/Unschooling: Field Trip -- Park (Part 2)

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Hey all!!

We decided to keep the field trip love going and went to the park!!! I know some of you are wondering, "HOW DID YOU INCORPORATE SCHOOLING WITH THINGS AT THE PARK?!?!?" -- Well, I'm about to tell you! :) 

The first thing we did was go to the swings... 

While she was on the swings, we would count with her each time she did a complete swing (front, back)... We also did a video with her, and she spoke of her surroundings:

We then went to the slide!! What did we do on the slide?? Well, we counted to TEN, and then she went down the slide!! We did this a few times and she got the hang of it... knowing that when TEN came, she'd slide down!

We then went up the rock wall!! How fun was this!?!?! She counted all the rocks and then went up them (with help from daddy!!) She had a blast on it!

Then, we went running after a gopher!! She kept saying, "Get the baby!! GET THE BABY!!!" The baby went in it's hole... 

So, on the way back to the park area, we ran into some leaves.  Choca has ALWAYS been intrigued by leaves, trees, flowers, etc... So, what a perfect photo opportunity!

Then, the 'ANTS' she was talking about in her video up top?? Yeah... We took pictures with them!! :) 

She said, "Ant, say cheese, baby!! Say cheese, Ant!" LOL 
She said this one looked like BB!! LMBOOOOOOO!

AND... This last one?? She said, "Hopper too hot!!" -- but, I took a picture of it anyway!

The 'hopper'! :) 

Nature!! Gotta love it!!! I'm a fan!! :) 

I hope you enjoyed this TWO PART SERIES of Homeschooling/Unschooling Field trip fun!! :) We had a great day, all!!

Comments: Leave them here, folks!!


Keep Watching, 



Shay said...

that park looks awesome!

exercise/recess is definitely a part of healthy learning =)

Michelle G said...

Awww, such a great field trip. I love seeing your activities with Choca Baby and she is soo dang cute. As for you, Char, your voice is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the ways you teach your lil princess things. <3 it!!!

Unknown said...

Shay * It's a pretty cool park, mami! :)

And, you're absolutely right!!! :) I agree!


Unknown said...

Michelle G * Thank you, SIS!!! :) It's so fun and she makes it even more exciting!! :) -- And thank you!!! I appreciate that!!! <3 <3 <3


Unknown said...

Char- What a cool way to incorporate learning into play! Public schools, please take note from Ms. Charlotte! Learning should be fun, that's what makes you remember what you learned!

Unknown said...

Nikki's HairThoughts * Awww, thank you, mami!! :) -- And yes... It's imperative to have FUN with it... NO one pays too much attention (especially at a young age) when it's boring... :) So, I try to make it as fun as possible, and what she's learning is sticking to her brain like steak to my hips! LOL


Precious Henshaw said...

This is awesome! What a great way to learn and have fun at the same time!

Unknown said...

Precious * Thanks, Precious!! :) She enjoys it, and that makes it all the more exciting for me!! :) <3
